Radiation Safety projects
Emergency Management of the Aquatic Environment surrounding the Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant, Lituania . Under the contract of "Water Consult Aps.", Denmark, funded by DANCEE (2000 - 2002)
Implementation in Ukraine of the RODOS System for Off-Site Emergency Preparedness and Response . TACIS Project TA REG 02/3, Main contractor Kraftanlagen Nukleartechnik GmbH , Subcontractor Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe. Client - Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine
Development of the decision support system for post-accidental management of Zaporozhe Nuclear Power Plant . Under contract with Zaporozhe NPP (2001 - 2003)
Softare system for3-D simulation of the dispersion of tritium in the Vakh River from Bohunice Nuclear Power Plant . Under the Contract with the VUJE, Trnava, Slovac Republic (2001)
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