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Environmantal Modeling and Management Resources

Environmental Protection in Ukraine
State of the Environment in Ukraine
Ukraine Environmental Links
Ecological pages of Ukraine

Administration of Chernobyl Exclusion zone
Chernobyl radiation disaster information
Slavutich Division of International Chernobyl Center
Chernobyl Journal ( Belarus)

AMBIO (Journal for Human Environment)
AGU (American Geophysical Society)
AMS (American Meteorological Society Journals)B
AOP (Atmospheric & Oceanic Publications)
CD (Climate Dynamics)
CWE (Book Climate & Weather Explained)
DAO (Dynamics of Atmospheres & Ocean)
EARTHSCAN (Publisher on Environmental Sustainable Development)
E-BOOK (CSEP Electronic Books in Computational Fluid Dynamics)
ELSEVIER (Elsevier books and journals)
ESJ (Earth Science Journals)
EOS (Earth Observing System)
GSA (Geological Society of America)
IJNM(International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids)
ISI(Standard Abvreviation for Journal)
JFM(Journal of Fluid Mechanics)
JCP(Journal of Computational Physics)
LR(La Recherche)
MGA(Meteo and Astrophysics abstract)
NATURE (Nature on-line)
NS (New Scientist)
OADM (Ocean Atmosphere data Management)
OM (Ocean Modelling)
NAP (USA National Academy Press)
NS (Natural Science On-Line html journal)
RG (Review of Geophysics - Web paper)
SA (Scientific American)

Decision support and modelling systems on radiation protection

Environmental Science Projects
AGORA (Assessment of OGCM with data Assimilation)
ACCP (Atlantic Climate Change Program)
AGS (Alliance for Global Sustainability)
ASGAMAGE (GHS Exchnage at Air-Sea Interface)
BIOGEST (Biogas Transfer in Estuaries)
CARINA (Carbon dioxide in the North Atlantic Ocean)
CLIVAR (Climate Research Programme)
COHERENS (COupled Hydrodynamical Ecological model for REgioNal Shelf seas)
COST (Co-operation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research)
DARE (Data Assimilation in Envisat)
DESIMA (DEcision Support for Integrated coastal zone MAnagement)
DIADEM (Advanced Data Assimilation Systems for Operational Monitoring and Forecasting of North Atlantic)
ECOCRAFT (European Collaboration On CO2 Responses Applied to Forests and Trees)
ECOC (Ecosystem Model Validation and Hindcasting)
ECOFYS (Energy and Environmental Policy Studies, Netherlands)
ELOISE (DGXII homepage)
ENAMORS (European Network for development of Advanced Models to interpret Optical Remote Sensing)
ENRICH (European Network for Research in Global Change)
EPSECC (EnvironmentalPolicy, Social Exclusion & Climate Change)
ESCOBA (European institutions working on GLobal Carbon Cycle)
EUROFLUX (Forest CO2 and water vapour fluxes)
EUROCLIVAR (European component of Clivar)
FASTEX (Fronts & Atlantic Storm Track EXperiment)
F-ECTS (Feedbacks of Estuarine Circul & Transport of Sediments)
GODAE (Global Ocean Data Assimilation Experiment)
GOSAC (Global Ocean Storage of Anthropogenic Carbon)
GRID (UNEP Global Resource Information Service)
INFOTERRA (Unep Project)
MERCATOR (Monitoring Ecosystems with Remote sensing and Cartography in African TrOpical Regions)
OCMIP (Ocean Carbon-Cycle Model Intercomparison)
OMEX (Ocean Margin EXchange Project)
PREDICATE (Mechanisms and Predictability of Decadal Fluctuations in Atlantic-European Climate)
PROMISE (PRedictability and variability Of Monsoons)
QUARCC (Quantifying Uncertainty in the Attribution of Recent Climate Change)
STOEC (Storm-track upper Ocean interactions & impact on European Climate)
SOLAS (Surface Ocean Lower Atmosphere Study)
SPARC (Stratospheric Processes and their Role in Climate)

Environmental modelling
Environmenatl Software - DMOZ Open Directory
Environmental Professional's Homepage
Register of Ecological Models
Civil/Environmental Computer Model Library (CEML)
Environmental Software House
PNNL Ecology Group
Environmental Science Journals

Hydrological & Hydraulics Modelling
  • Research and Development Centres
DHI Water and Environment
WL Delft Hydraulics
Water Resource Systems Research Laboratory, University of Newcastle Upon Tyne
HR Walligford
CEH Wallingford - former Institute of Hydrology
PNNL Hydrology Group

  • Collections of links
Water Resources Engineering Web Pages
Hydrology -DATASYNC
Hydrology Web
Links to Information Sources for Hydrogeology, Hydrology, and Environmental Sciences

Key Databases for Oceanography & Earth Sciences
Oceanography- Datasync

  • Marine Circulation Models
ACOM (Australian Community Ocean Model)
BOM (Bergen Ocean Model)
DELFT3D (Delft Hydraulics Model)
ECOM (Estuarine Coastal & Ocean Model)
ECOS (Plymouth Sophisticated Spatial Modelling)
FAME (Family of Linked Atlantic Model Experiments)
FRAM (Fine Resolution Antarctic Model)
FLUIDYN (Softwares for Fluid Dynamics)
GMODEL (ENSO Equatorial Pacific Model)
HIM (Hallberg Isopycnal Model)
HOPE (Hamburg Ocean Model)
HSCTM2D (Hydrodynamics Sediment Contaminant Model)
HYCOM (Hybrid Coordinate Ocean Model)
LSG (Hamburg Large-Scale Geostrophic model )
MICOM (Miami Ocean Model)
NCOM (NCAR CSM Climate System Model)
NLOM (Navy Layer Ocean Model)
OCCAM (Ocean Circulation & Advanced Modelling)
OPA (Ocean Parallel Model)
OPYC (Parallel Ocean Model)
PCM (Parallel Ocean Model)
POM (Princeton Ocean Model)
POSUM (Parallel Ocean State University Model)
SCRUM (S-Coordinates Rutgers University Model)
SPEM (S-coordinate Primitive Equation)
SWAN (Wave Near-Shore Model)
TELEMAC (Rivers, estuaries & coastal waters modelling)

  • Marine Biological Models
ECOHAM (Ecological North Sea Model)
ECOBAS_MIF (Ecological Model Formulation Data Base)
ECOFATE (Ecological Risk Assessment)
ECOPATH (Fishery Ecological Modeling Software)
ECOC (Ecosystem Model Validation and Hindcasting)
ERSEM (European Regional Seas Ecosystem Model)
REM (Registered Ecological Model List)
STELLA (Model to Build Model form Flow Chart)
SUCCPP (Platt software for Primary Production)
VGPM (SeaWifs Vertically Generalized Production Model, Rutgers, USA)

  • Links to Links for Oceanographic Resources
List of Model & Data
List of Coastal Engineering Softwares
Ocean circulation models
Hydrodynamical models
Oceanographic Research for Engineers
Coastal Guide
A Comprehensive List of Softwares
Earth System Science Online
SciSpy Scientific Tools & Data
The best links in Climate & Weather
List of Mailing Group for Marine Biology
CLIMLIST (Climate News)
COASTAL_LIST (Marine Coastal Modelling)
GASTON (Glace Atmosphere sur Terre et Ocean Numeriques)
GHAMES (Seminars in Geophysics)
MARBIO (Forum on Marine Biology)
OCEANSPACE (Soc Ocean Events)

  • Scientific Consulting Companies
ACM (Applied Coastal Modelling, Hubertz, USA)
ACRI (Technology- Encironment Fluid, France)
ADS (Environmentla Service, USA)
ASA (Applied Science Associate, USA)
CORDAH (Encironmental Management, UK)
ENSOL (Environmental Solution, Denmark)
ERM (Environmental Resource Management, Belgium)
HR (Wallingford, UK)
HYDROQUAL (Water Environmental Engineering, USA)
DHI (Danish Hydraulics)
HYDROMOD (Germany)
HIDROMOD (Portugal)
NUMECA (Belgium)
RMA (Resource Management Associate, USA)
SOGREAH (Engineering Consulting, France)
STI (Sonoma Technology Inc, California, USA)
THETIS (Venecian Private Company, Italy)
WL (Delft Hydraulics, Netherlands)

Meteorology& Atmospheric Dispersion of Pollutants
  • Meta Links
Meteorology - Datasync
Meteorology - Google
World Meteorological Organization

  • Research and Development Centers
Danish Meteorological Institute
Risoe National Laboratory, Denmark
National Center for Atmospheric Research, NCAR
Colorado State University

  • Models

Atmospheric dispersion
Air quality simulation models
Lagrangian particle dispersion model (LPDM)

Computational Fluid Mechanics
CFD online
CFD - DMOZ open Directory

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